Welcome to Maple Education Services

Maple Communication Limited offers a wide range of personal service to oversea students and their parents, providing a complete guardianship to pupils whose parents live overseas from Prep School through to Sixth Form. We also offer guidance and personal service to students who are over 18 years old, come to UK for their University Foundation Course, any language Course, University degree Course, Pre-Master Course and Master Course in order to help them to choose the most appropriate Course.
We know from our own experience how strange and new everything feels for children when they first arrive in the UK and how important it is to feel supported and secure. We offer our clients very personal service. We make sure our students know us well, they feel supported and secure, and ensure they are happy, offering encouragement with regard to their academic progress.
We also make use of our wide rang of cultural, educational and social connections in both China and UK and offer schools, colleges and universities from both Countries to have the opportunity to collaborate in research, teaching or through 3+1, 2+2 and other exchange programme. Our services is outlined as below:
Boarding School Placement / 贵族中小学申请
University Placement / 大学申请
Short Course/Study Tour / 职业短期培训/游学/夏令营/冬令营
UK China University Collaboration / 中英大学联合办学
Student Guardianship /学生监护服务
We are based at Bournemouth, Poole area in Dorset, but the services also covers students in schools around the South West of England and Beds, Herts.