Our Services

What we provide

What services do we provide ? 我们提供那些具体服务?

School /University placement – We work in partnership with many schools and Universities and understand the schools and their Course so well therefore can find the best school and Courses for our students.
学校/大学申请 - 我们与英国众多私立学校以及大学院校有合作关系。我们精确了解这些学校和大学的特点及其课程设置从而可以为我们的学生申请到最合适的院校和课程。


Student Guardianship – We work closely with schools and parents, giving guidance, support, advice and assistance for students so their parents/families can be assured that they are safe and well cared for.
学生监护 - 我们将与学校和家长紧密配合,为学生们提供他们需要的引导,支持,建议和帮助,保证他们的安全和被关爱,让学生家里放心。


Host Family Arrangements - Our host families are well known to us and they provide a warm and caring home for the students whilst away from school during holiday periods.
Our Host Families are carefully picked, DBS checked, then matched to student requirements.
住宿家庭安排 - 我们与我们的住宿家庭都非常熟悉了解,他们在学生们的放假期间为之提供一个温暖关爱的家。所有住宿家庭都是经过精心挑选,通过警察局犯罪记录检查,然后按学生的要求匹配的。


Airport Transfers – We offer transfers to and from the airport and host families by taxi or
personal driver. All our drivers are DBS checked.
机场接送 - 我们通过出租车公司以及专用司机安排机场接送以及住宿家庭接送。所有司机都通过警察局犯罪记录检查。


Short Course/Study Tour  - We arrange English teacher. trainning Course and other vocational tranning Courses. We arrange Study Tour for kids age from 9-17 years old and can even arrange experience tour for 3-8 years kids and their parents. All these Courses come with specially designed tailor-made travel programme.
短期职业培训/夏令营或冬令营 - 我们安排英语老师培训课程或其他短期职业英语 培训课程,如音乐,电影制作,医药,服装,美术,摄影,作品展准备,高尔夫,足球, 网球,骑马,工程,航空,商业等职业英语培训课程。我们同时为9-17岁青少年安排夏令营,冬令营游学,也为3-8岁父母孩子安排亲子游(可以安排孩子去英国幼儿园或学前班体验)。所有课程安排了丰富的课外活动和量身定制的旅游节目。


China UK Univrsity Collaboration - Many Uk or Chinese Universities are looking for opportunities to collaborate in research, innovation or teaching. We help them find the right partners and well matched Courses to have 3+1, 2+2 collaboration model or other  ways of cooperation by providing vital insight information, consultation and recommendation.
中英大学合作办学 - 很多中国和英国的大学在寻求研究,创新和教学的合作机会。凭借在中英两国的教育资源,我们通过提供专业的内部信息,给予专业指导建议,帮助这些大学找到合适的大学合作伙伴,适合合作的专业,进行3+1, 2+2或其他方式联合办学。


Special academic tutoring - We have well qualified teachers who can teach students verious subjects if they need some extra academic tutoring. This can be arranged at school or at the host family during their staying with the host families and we will send a teacher to have one to one teach or to teach a group of students.


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