Legal Note

Maple Communication Limited

Address: 57 Parkstone Avenue, Poole, Dorset BH14 9LW


The information provided by Maple Communication Limited on this website is for visitor and customer information purposes only. All of the details are subject to change and do not contain any binding warranties. The information is checked with care, updated regularly and may be changed, deleted or added to without prior notice.


Maple Communication Limited does not accept any liability for errors, for the correctness or completeness of any details or entries or for the way in which they are presented. Any liability resulting from other uses of the information provided is expressly excluded.


Maple Communication Limited does not accept any responsibility for links to other websites or for the availability and content of these sites. We hereby disassociate ourselves expressly from all contents of all sites that are linked to from our website and do not regard these contents as our own. This declaration applies to all links on this website.


Content, such as product descriptions, images, other text and the website design is protected by copyright.